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Baby Massage Ireland is committed to respecting your privacy and it is of utmost importance to us. In order to comply with the GDPR that came in to effect on 25th May 2018 we will only ever request information from you that we require to carry out the service that you have requested i.e. becoming a CIMI.


Any personal information that you provide us with will only be used for the following:

- Registering you as a CIMI
- Renewing your membership as a CIMI
- Informing the insurance providers of your details for clients claiming back
- Contacting you in relation to relevant information that we may receive during the year
- Listing your details on our website should you request this


Any data that you provide us with will only be shared with those that require it to carry out their duties i.e. members of the board, insurance companies.


All data is secured on a password protected laptop that is stored in a locked filing cabinet.


All data is stored for a period of 7 years but should you request it, all of your records will be destroyed at any time.


You have the right to access any records that we have on you at any stage. If you wish to remove part or all of your information at any time you may do so. You may also request that we destroy all records that we hold on you at any time.


I understand and agree with the privacy policy outlined above.

Baby Massage Ireland Privacy Policy

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